it makes me happy
The link is what I've got going so far :D
I'd like to find some good high energy songs to add
you know..for the gym
I'm trying!
Snow Days Snow Days!
So it snowed here today.
(yes, I've been an absentee's cool b/c no one read this but me lol :P )
The snow was amazing! It had been raining and so everything was frosted with powder.
I don't recall the trees ever looking quite that cool...
I was whining on FB (you know what it is)
about not having a garage and scrapping my car off...
several people brought up the fact
that they did in fact have a garage but no space for the car in it...
or just space for one car.
Now, I'm really not judging haha
but man, I hope I NEVER have that much stuff!
I know how it goes with the new place and the accumulation of stuff
in 2007 1 out of 10 Americans rented a storage unit...
it's an industry which has seen HUGE growth since 2000
it freaks me out!
I really think that all this 'stuff' contributes to
the fear people seem to develop as adults
I don't want to be afraid to move b/c ..."where would I put my stuff"
It's such a fine line, a balancing act for me
it really does take a lot of conscious effort
to not be attached to things
but still be proud of the home you make
my motto (yes, this is a coat rack that I'm stealing my motto from (i own this btw))

my motto is going to be
...(but don't let it rule you!)
alright I'm too hyper to write more :D
(yes, I've been an absentee's cool b/c no one read this but me lol :P )
The snow was amazing! It had been raining and so everything was frosted with powder.
I don't recall the trees ever looking quite that cool...
I was whining on FB (you know what it is)
about not having a garage and scrapping my car off...
several people brought up the fact
that they did in fact have a garage but no space for the car in it...
or just space for one car.
Now, I'm really not judging haha
but man, I hope I NEVER have that much stuff!
I know how it goes with the new place and the accumulation of stuff
in 2007 1 out of 10 Americans rented a storage unit...
it's an industry which has seen HUGE growth since 2000
it freaks me out!
I really think that all this 'stuff' contributes to
the fear people seem to develop as adults
I don't want to be afraid to move b/c ..."where would I put my stuff"
It's such a fine line, a balancing act for me
it really does take a lot of conscious effort
to not be attached to things
but still be proud of the home you make
my motto (yes, this is a coat rack that I'm stealing my motto from (i own this btw))

my motto is going to be
...(but don't let it rule you!)
alright I'm too hyper to write more :D
:( boo
So I've neglected the blogging....
Venecia Lonis, 4">
I intended to update all the goins on in my life tonight...But
while reading some news online I read this:
And suddenly
everything new and 'important' and exciting I wanted to write about
flew out of my head
I'm glad I wasn't at work when I found this article
b/c it made me cry
I may not think about the suffering in this world often
I don't often imagine that it happens everyday
But it's hard to not feel something when you see it
Look past her skin color, nationality and economic status
Is any of that her fault? Does any child deserve to starve
and suffer malnutrition to this extent? makes a new couch seem petty
It makes we want to join the peace core
More frustrations with the politics and the economy
Here's a great article, outlining the pressure the Clinton administration put on mortgage lenders in 1999..... it not stand to reason that THE GOVERNMENT, at that time the democratic party, involving itself and pressuring companies to extend more CREDIT to people who are low income might just be FISCALLY IRRESPONSIBLE???
Sigh....I'm so sick of finger pointing and lies.
It makes it really hard for me to shift through the crap and understand what REALLY goes on.
I do try.
So instead of worrying about it right now ( I don't feel good)
Let's all just laugh at Sarah Palin:
and really??? is it 1908? Neither crappy party is going to extend the same LEGAL union to all americans?
Well gee, that makes me SUPER proud to be american.....[/sarcasim]
What you don't see on CNBC...
Now, I am not one who fully understands the ramifications of this bailout yet.....(working on that)
But I'm sick of hearing how inaction is worse than action from bloated,
self interested politicians in a hurry to run home and campaign.
OF COURSE action can be bad....especially ill advised action which could crush us.
"you broke it, you bought it....." :D
Thanks for the video Paul!
Personal wealth doesn't equal greed....
I like how Knight Kiplinger, the editor-in-chief of read read it!), puts it:
"Your own financial security depends far more than you may think on the financial, physical and spiritual health of others in your community, our nation, our world. When you share your good fortune by donating your money, time and talent to charity, you help create a stronger economy and a healthier, safer world."
PERSONAL donation of money, time and talent is what we need more of in this county.
Communities lifting themselves up....not waiting for big brother to spoon feed and burp us!
People helping other people...not lining up for government servitude in the form of checks.
Yes. I said it.
You can't empower people to do for themselves when you're handing out allowance (and a paltry one at that).
My favorite lesson learned has been the awesome freedom of being financially independent.
There is a pride in working for what you have and being on your own.
I would deny it to no one. I hope every person has the opportunity to feel it.
I can aspire to have money and be financially secure.
While at the same time giving it back to my community.
I can want money and not become obsessed with possessions, not tied to material things.
I can love making money and not be greedy.
So there :P
Dust off my chastity belt... (RANT warning)
Clean off the rust.
Lock it up and give my daddy the key.
Someone start a dowry for me.
Uneducate me and keep me in the kitchen.....waiting
for my arranged marriage.
Am I a child?
Am I incapable of self determination b/c I'm a woman?
Should I only be allowed to think for myself when it happens to be in line with
the CRAZY bible thumping conservative nut jobs who spew ideas NOT backed by science?
This is just as ANTI WOMAN as you can get... I'm sick that my tax dollars go to this
SHAM organization...
"Improving the health, safety, and well-being of America" ....all Americans, except WOMEN
it makes me SO MAD. SO MAD!
I can't even read stuff like this without shaking.
What kind of logic is there in trying to take away
a proven method of PREVENTING unwanted pregnancies?
Oh..I'm sorry
I forgot, PLEASE....pass me that chastity belt and send me back 500 years.
That'll be much more effective....
I don't believe that abortion should be used as birth control
I don't believe it's right for women to want a boy and terminate a girl
I personally think it's awful that late term abortions happen when there isn't a threat to the mother
The mere idea that some pharmacist could NOT fill my prescription
could instead stand and judge me as a 'baby killer' for using the pill
GOD FORBID I have ever have to suffer the trauma and indignity of being raped
and then NOT be given emergency contraception
grrr I can't even express how annoyed I am....
this is what I get for googling Palin.
These pro lifers, as well intentioned as some might think they are,
don't even know what they want a PUNISHMENT to be once they get abortions criminalized
they just want god to regulate my health choices....
Lock it up and give my daddy the key.
Someone start a dowry for me.
Uneducate me and keep me in the kitchen.....waiting
for my arranged marriage.
Am I a child?
Am I incapable of self determination b/c I'm a woman?
Should I only be allowed to think for myself when it happens to be in line with
the CRAZY bible thumping conservative nut jobs who spew ideas NOT backed by science?
This is just as ANTI WOMAN as you can get... I'm sick that my tax dollars go to this
SHAM organization...
"Improving the health, safety, and well-being of America" ....all Americans, except WOMEN
it makes me SO MAD. SO MAD!
I can't even read stuff like this without shaking.
What kind of logic is there in trying to take away
a proven method of PREVENTING unwanted pregnancies?
Oh..I'm sorry
I forgot, PLEASE....pass me that chastity belt and send me back 500 years.
That'll be much more effective....
I don't believe that abortion should be used as birth control
I don't believe it's right for women to want a boy and terminate a girl
I personally think it's awful that late term abortions happen when there isn't a threat to the mother
The mere idea that some pharmacist could NOT fill my prescription
could instead stand and judge me as a 'baby killer' for using the pill
GOD FORBID I have ever have to suffer the trauma and indignity of being raped
and then NOT be given emergency contraception
grrr I can't even express how annoyed I am....
this is what I get for googling Palin.
These pro lifers, as well intentioned as some might think they are,
don't even know what they want a PUNISHMENT to be once they get abortions criminalized
they just want god to regulate my health choices....
Is that JOY in your pocket? or are you just.....
I had those words on a mirror in lipstick
before target slapped it on their crap :)
Where's your exuberance? exhilaration?
Where's your wonder? your flirt? your heart?
If you HAVE to do it why be so joyless?
Routine can kill a soul.
Shake it up.
or better yet, SIMPLIFY your life.
What makes YOU happy...not the YOU you think
they want you to be...
the YOU you want to be :D
Confused yet?
take a ride on the scream machine and leave it all out for the world to see.
Still confused? ok ok....I'm alluding to:
I've realized two things since leaving college
(well..more than two but for this purpose):
You've always got to keep the bigger picture in mind, but
Screw the way you planned to get there, life unfolds in ways you'll never imagine
Simplicity and Passion
gets you through all the rest life throws your way
Now I am PASSIONATE about this purse:
But SIMPLICITY would tell me I don't need it, have 2 black bags and should donate 1/2 of my purses before even thinking of spending money on this one....
Where's the joy in that? :P
I had those words on a mirror in lipstick
before target slapped it on their crap :)
Where's your exuberance? exhilaration?
Where's your wonder? your flirt? your heart?
If you HAVE to do it why be so joyless?
Routine can kill a soul.
Shake it up.
or better yet, SIMPLIFY your life.
What makes YOU happy...not the YOU you think
they want you to be...
the YOU you want to be :D
Confused yet?
take a ride on the scream machine and leave it all out for the world to see.
Still confused? ok ok....I'm alluding to:
I've realized two things since leaving college
(well..more than two but for this purpose):
You've always got to keep the bigger picture in mind, but
Screw the way you planned to get there, life unfolds in ways you'll never imagine
Simplicity and Passion
gets you through all the rest life throws your way
Now I am PASSIONATE about this purse:
Where's the joy in that? :P
What is my point?
"We are a generation who posts our entire being on the web
every detail and moment of our lives
for all to see
and all we get back is
spam" --Me, via a more random blog
Yes. It makes me laugh to think how few will read this.
Blogging is basically
an exercise in intellectual self masturbation. heh.
That said! My point for this blog is to record and reflect on things I'm learning.
The ins and outs of being truly independent, 'adult' if you will.
This blog is about my conscious effort to choose my life and not just drift.
To take control of my professional life, grow myself
To deliberately learn and budget and plot my finances
and hey, maybe share some stuff I've learned with those who are interested ;)
(this might sound pretty basic for some of you, but the past year and a half
I've really owned these concepts and grown a tremendous's pretty fun)
So please....don't just stalk my blog....oh few of you who'll read it.
PLEASE comment, criticize and applaud my public effort to grow.
the end.
YES I know correct sentence structure
for my purposes here I choose to ignore it
That's just me. Free form writing is more pleasing to my eye
OH and yes....I am a TERRIBLE speller...feel free to correct me
every detail and moment of our lives
for all to see
and all we get back is
spam" --Me, via a more random blog
Yes. It makes me laugh to think how few will read this.
Blogging is basically
an exercise in intellectual self masturbation. heh.
That said! My point for this blog is to record and reflect on things I'm learning.
The ins and outs of being truly independent, 'adult' if you will.
This blog is about my conscious effort to choose my life and not just drift.
To take control of my professional life, grow myself
To deliberately learn and budget and plot my finances
and hey, maybe share some stuff I've learned with those who are interested ;)
(this might sound pretty basic for some of you, but the past year and a half
I've really owned these concepts and grown a tremendous's pretty fun)
So please....don't just stalk my blog....oh few of you who'll read it.
PLEASE comment, criticize and applaud my public effort to grow.
the end.
YES I know correct sentence structure
for my purposes here I choose to ignore it
That's just me. Free form writing is more pleasing to my eye
OH and yes....I am a TERRIBLE speller...feel free to correct me
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