
What you don't see on CNBC...

Now, I am not one who fully understands the ramifications of this bailout yet.....(working on that)
But I'm sick of hearing how inaction is worse than action from bloated, 
self interested politicians in a hurry to run home and campaign.
OF COURSE action can be bad....especially ill advised action which could crush us.

"you broke it, you bought it....." :D

Thanks for the video Paul!


Personal wealth doesn't equal greed....

I like how Knight Kiplinger, the editor-in-chief of Kipinger.com(read read read it!), puts it: 

"Your own financial security depends far more than you may think on the financial, physical and spiritual health of others in your community, our nation, our world. When you share your good fortune by donating your money, time and talent to charity, you help create a stronger economy and a healthier, safer world."

PERSONAL donation of money, time and talent is what we need more of in this county.
Communities lifting themselves up....not waiting for big brother to spoon feed and burp us!
People helping other people...not lining up for government servitude in the form of checks.

Yes.  I said it.
You can't empower people to do for themselves when you're handing out allowance (and a paltry one at that).
My favorite lesson learned has been the awesome freedom of being financially independent.
There is a pride in working for what you have and being on your own.
I would deny it to no one.  I hope every person has the opportunity to feel it.

I can aspire to have money and be financially secure.  
While at the same time giving it back to my community.  
I can want money and not become obsessed with possessions, not tied to material things.

I can love making money and not be greedy.
So there :P