
Dust off my chastity belt... (RANT warning)

Clean off the rust.
Lock it up and give my daddy the key.
Someone start a dowry for me.
Uneducate me and keep me in the kitchen.....waiting
for my arranged marriage.

Am I a child?
Am I incapable of self determination b/c I'm a woman?


Should I only be allowed to think for myself when it happens to be in line with
the CRAZY bible thumping conservative nut jobs who spew ideas NOT backed by science?

This is just as ANTI WOMAN as you can get... I'm sick that my tax dollars go to this
SHAM organization...http://www.hhs.gov/
"Improving the health, safety, and well-being of America" ....all Americans, except WOMEN

it makes me SO MAD. SO MAD!
I can't even read stuff like this without shaking.


What kind of logic is there in trying to take away
a proven method of PREVENTING unwanted pregnancies?

Oh..I'm sorry
I forgot, PLEASE....pass me that chastity belt and send me back 500 years.
That'll be much more effective....

I don't believe that abortion should be used as birth control
I don't believe it's right for women to want a boy and terminate a girl
I personally think it's awful that late term abortions happen when there isn't a threat to the mother


The mere idea that some pharmacist could NOT fill my prescription
could instead stand and judge me as a 'baby killer' for using the pill
GOD FORBID I have ever have to suffer the trauma and indignity of being raped
and then NOT be given emergency contraception

grrr I can't even express how annoyed I am....
this is what I get for googling Palin.

These pro lifers, as well intentioned as some might think they are,
don't even know what they want a PUNISHMENT to be once they get abortions criminalized
they just want god to regulate my health choices....

1 comment:

Wannabe Redhead said...

I could not agree with you more. On every single point.

Amen sister.